The Heart Shaped Diamond



Everyone loves love! I LOVE LOVE!! I am in LOVE ! There is nothing like it!

In the diamond world, the Heart Shaped Diamond are cut in many shapes of hearts. Fat, little wings (the shoulders of the Heart shape), Flat wings, or shoulders. Long or skinny. All these different variations have soo many different looks for everyone to LOVE!

Oh! Strangely enough, of the total number of women in the world, only 1/2 of them like the Heart Shaped Diamonds. Odd, right. Who would have thought?

Because of that Heart shaped diamonds are a rare commodity! So when it comes to pricing Heart Shaped diamonds. When cut, the Heart Shaped diamond creates a lot of waste in the rough, original diamond crystal. Most diamond dealers don’t carry them and when you find a dealer who does, you will be paying more for them for that reason.

I like this shape because it is LOVE to me, and I Love LOVE!

How Corny am I! ?

Yes I am Corny!


Have a good start of the week!
