Selling Your Jewelry

In my world, I’ve noticed a trend in clients selling unwanted jewels, which is a good thing.  My clients receive money for spending or investing elsewhere and sell jewelry that otherwise would sit around.  However, there are always pitfalls to avoid, which brings me to the subject of the posts for the next few days.  How to sell your unwanted jewels.  Today marks the first of two different cases that I want to share.
The first one is a new client who lives in another state.  She was referred by a mutual friend in yet another state. She had an important diamond ring which previously had been shopped around in high end jewelry stores, again across many different states. Because my world is very small, I quickly learned the six month history of her trying to sell the diamond. She received promise after promise of high dollar numbers on the sale of the diamond, but she didn’t know whom to trust.
I, too, offered a large amount, sight unseen.  If she wanted more I would have to see the diamond in person. She flew in to Los Angeles to show it to me.  Turns out that it had a chip on the girdle and a couple of bruises on the visible part of the stone. These issues devalued the diamond, and I couldn’t offer her more because of the damage. She said she had other higher offers in the L.A. area, and if I could raise my offer to her, then she would sell to me.
I advised her to take the other higher offer if she felt more comfortable with it.  But I also warned her that unscrupulous jewelers often offer a high amount but want to see the diamond in person.  When the seller brings the diamond in, that jeweler might suddenly claim that there are flaws in it, and then lower their offer.  It’s a bait and switch that happens ALL THE TIME.  The difference between them and me is that I gave her an offer and didn’t renege when I saw the damage to the diamond.
I’ve said it before.  Make sure you trust who is buying and selling you jewelry.  If you’re uncomfortable, then walk away and find someone else.
Have a great weekend!

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